Friday, November 17, 2006

FU Seeks Damages From Borat

We are p1ssed! The movie Borat has offended our sensibilities, and we shall not take this lying down.

"You haven't even seen this movie," you say.

True. But that does not preclude my ability to file suit.

"This movie doesn't even mention the First Unichurck," you say.

Exactly. This guy thinks he can make fools out of us by failing to acknowledge our existence while he makes hundreds of dollars. Well, he's got another guy cumming.

I have instructed OneNoteSolo (aka Bundes Kraut) to make a federal case out of it. As far as the amount of our damages, I'm going to draw a card from the deck, and, whatever the number is, that will be the number of "0's" after $4.


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
I’ve been hearing a lot about this movie in the past week or so; apparently it really pushes the envelope. Have you had a chance to see it? Perhaps “Borat” should be shown in the vestibule of The First Unification Church of Knowledge; it’d be an excellent way to fill up the place.

Doc Bok said...

I will be preparing a formal "Gasbag Review" for this movie, but in the meantime, OneEar, you are right: this man has stolen all that is sacred from the Clown Squad.

OneEar said...

No, I've not seen the movie, but the lack of adequate information has never, in the history of my opinion-forming, stopped me from forming a definitive opinion.

However, I am exceedingly concerned that LBok agrees with me. I will take this matter underwear advisement.