Monday, September 11, 2006

Underminers Society Missing!

The Underminers Society of America, motto - "Under All Lies Dirt," are missing, and investigators are very worried. Following the success of their Friendship Hankie project, the Underminers apparently acquired a shovel. Exactly what they intended to do with the digging implement is the subject of intense speculation. The secretive burrowing group began a series of closed session meetings to which access was very guarded, and experts have only been able to hypothesize about what they might have been up to.

However, a spokesman for the First Unichurck, the faith-based establishment where the Underminers had been holding their meetings, announced that the Churck computer browser history showed some unusual activity for which Churck members are unable to account.

OneEar, in prepared remarks on behalf of the First Unichurck, stated: "I think the idiots drowned."


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
According to the Google Map, if I dig a very deep hole where I live, I’ll wind up in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Nice! And all this time, I thought if I dug deep enough, I’d come out in China. Thanks for enlightening me!

OneEar said...

No need to thank me for helping. It is part of who I am.

We should all think a little bit about a giant hole in the ground and what lies beneath.

OneEar said...

No, if you're trying to dig straight through to China, your hole needs to be in South America.

You could dig deep enough to end up in China if you had a crooked shaft. The folks at googlemaps don't even begin to account for that option.

Litzi said...

Hi One Ear,
So that explains why I haven’t found myself in China to date; thanks! Any idea where I can obtain a crooked shaft? Perhaps a “Google Search” would turn up one or two…..

OneEar said...

You might contact ex-President Clinton.

Litzi said...

Hi One Ear,
When I queried about where I might obtain a “crooked shaft”, I immediately thought of Bubba and his alleged perrones disease. It’s rather funny that you brought it UP…..