Friday, October 20, 2006


As you know, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the impending Rupture. But how does one prepare for the end of time/space? I’ve been studying up on quotations from all of the major religions in preparation for “the final exam.” I’ve also begun memorizing the details of some of my favorite breasts in case I need to conjure up the appropriate image in the bodiless afterlife.

Then it occurred to me: If everyone is destroyed in the Rupture, who in the Hell is going to write my obituary?!? So, I set about working on it. Obviously, it is a work-in-progress, but I've still got some time.

A celebration of the life of P. Daugel Boone, IV will be held the day after the Rupture at the sunken gardens. Mr. Boone died as a result of the end of the universe, and he is survived by nobody. There will be an open bar from 2pm until closing with no drink limits. Appetizers will include sloppy bruschetta, deviled eggs, sloppy slop con Kay’s soul, sloppy slop con carnis, sloppy slop con lechers, meat balls, goat balls, cheese balls, cheese dip, cheese logs, cheese nuggets, cheese puffs, cheesy bacon bites, cheesy potato poppers, cheesy jalapeno poppers, cheese curds, and gelatin.

Mr. Boone was born an infant suited to this world, and, in many ways, he remained that way. He was educated both in school and out and later learned lots of things otherwise. He spent numerous years in the study of difficult concepts, many of which previously were unstudied.

Mr. Boone’s first brush with fame arose from his ground-breaking work performing under the stage name “Fluffy” with the nouveaux-art-folk-noise-rock band, the Clown Squad. Boone’s musical talents were not restricted to his unique ability to forget where he was or what he was doing. “Fluffy” did not subscribe to rudimentary concepts of musical theory or practice. His special style could challenge even the most accomplished players to scratch their heads and wonder, “Does he have any idea how to play any instrument?”

Boone later wrote many award-winning books including the now famous, award-winning "Gynecological Analysis of the Enron Collapse," the seminal "How to Give Yourself Awards for Your Writing," and the award-winning career guide, "What Color is Your Pair of Shoes - Career Advice for a New Millenium From an Award-Winning Award Winner."

Of course, Boone was best known as one of the founding members and chief spokesman of the revolutionary religious institution which sucessfully synthesized all former religions and rendered them unneccessary - the First Unichurck. He also was the Chosen One. Memorial donations may be made to: First Unichurck c/o


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
If there’s anyone left on the planet to attend your funeral, they won’t be around much longer after ingesting some of that high cholesterol laden food that’s going to be served. Your obituary is most impressive; it’s obvious you’re leading a full and rich life. Have you considered having some of your music taped, so it could be played during the ceremony? It’s a shame you’ll miss the event, but then we all will…..

Sven said...

Will those cheese appetizers be made with goat milk?

OneEar said...

ML - I'm working on my own funeral dirge now. I agree that it is a shame about everyone dying, but, what are you gonna do?

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
I’m glad to hear you’re working on the music for your funeral, albeit a macabre notion. Will it be similar to something written by Stravinski, or a spirited, cheerful tune? My suggestion is to record it on a CD and hope it survives through the ages. Eons from now, some alien beings may happen upon it and benefit from hearing your composition. You might also want to video tape your funeral; our current ceremonies may be of interest to any who exist in the far distant future.

Are you writing in a part for my kazoo?

OneEar said...

Now you're being ridiculous. A CD will not survive the moment of infinite singularity.

Yes, goat cheese will be served.

Doc Bok said...

Whew. What a relief.

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Don’t be such a pessimist! I’ll bet the Egyptians said the same thing, and look at the stuff archeologists are still discovering thousands of years later. Anyways, you won’t be around to know whether some alien form of life happens upon your CD or not, so why worry that it MIGHT be ridiculous?

cocoa_no_gogo said...

Mr Boone will also be remembered for his fondness of the prone position; for his skill in dispersing crowds whether in barroom or plaza; and for his unnatural ability to fascinate women.

Litzi said...

Hi Cocoa no gogo,
It’s refreshing to know Mr. Boone is humble, modest and retiring, isn’t it? If only he could be persuaded to leave behind a small token of his music, on the off chance there’s some posterity that manages to survive his impending Rupture. Poor Mr. Boone is a fatalist.

OneEar said...

Thanks for the kind words, Coco.

You neglected to mention the beach. I've always considered dispersing beach-goers to be one of the more impressive feats. I love to envision a time-lapse aerial view of the expanding ring of peoplelessness.

ML - I consider myself to be less of a fatalist and more of a cataclysmicalist.

I've asked Rusty to digitize ALL of the Clown Squad music. Then, it can be referenced by its location in the digits of pi, where it will live forever.

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Halleluiah! The Clown Squad music will survive in all its infamous glory into infinity. The songs may be what define our world as having existed 4,000 years from now.

OneEar said...

Actually, the Clown Squad music defines our universe. The tunes are chaotic, long in duration, often involve explosions, and can be explained only through very complicated mathematics.

Doc Bok said...

I think the complex mathematics you are referring to is called "addition", especially where time to synchronosization is concerned.

OneEar said...

LBok - I'd like to learn more about these novel concepts:

Princess - Thanks for your concern.

ML - I'm not sure about infinity. In my experience, there never has been an infinity. Plus, without time/space, how could it be? As Arlo Guthrie once said, "You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in."

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Would you say your hypothesis regarding infinity is akin to the age old question “if a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a noise”? Does anyone know what exists in the unlimited extent of time, space or quantity? Maybe this question is what religion attempts to quell for the squeamish masses.

Doc Bok said...
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Doc Bok said...

Speaking on behalf of the squeamish masses, organized religion's simple and straightforward explanations for plainly unsavory concepts like infinity, ultimate singularity, The Rupture, and thunder (no offense, Cocoa), among other things, provide me and my 3-foot-tall goats' ass-faced hunter/gatherer brethren a great deal more comfort than the typical crystal worship one is apt to find available in Southern California (no disrespect meant to Tom Cruise and Vinny Barbarino)

OneEar said...

I find comfort in the thought of a 57,000,000,000 square foot marshmallow with colored sprinkles.

OneEar said...

I guess I should have described my comfort marshmallow in cubic feet. I forgot about that dimension.