Thursday, October 05, 2006

King of the Hill

A US House of Representatives ethics subcommittee has begun an intense examination of "fat jokes" about Speaker Dennis Hastert.

(photo courtesy of

Recent cannibalistic behavior by members of the Republican Party has led to widespread speculation that Denny Hastert may have actually eaten murdered intern Chandra Levy. It is noted that Hastert has inexplicably gained 128 pounds and that this is the precise weight of Levy, cleaned and dressed.

It is also observed that Hastert recently acquired his own zip code, bathed at Sea World, was pushed back into the ocean at the beach, and began beeping when backing up.

The ethics panel hopes to learn exactly what Hastert ate and when he ate it. If it turns out that he does, in fact, engage in the ritualistic consumption of human flesh, he may be asked to resign from his position of leadership.


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Dennis Hastert is a vile excuse for a human being. That said, it might be a good idea for the Representatives ethics subcommittee to look into Senator Edward Kennedy, who’s beginning to resemble Moby Dick. However, in his case, it might be a direct result of over imbibing. What a marvelous group of “leaders” we have in Washington D.C.

OneEar said...

I was a thin college Republican.

Perhaps that is why I am so bitter.

OneEar said...

Hey Coco,

I still don't know how to post an audio file, other than through the idiotic audioblogger which requires use of the telephone!?!

Can we link into your macpage without all of the code words?
Otherwise, is there a YouTube for audio?

Doc Bok said...

That picture of Hastert reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on it...

Litzi said...

Hi loud but off key,
The picture of Dennis Hastert reminds me of Michael Moore.

Crashtest Comic said...

What the f**k ever happened to Chandra anyway?

I think the Government caused 9/11 to cover up what happened to Miss Levy!

Sven said...

Maybe those 128 pounds weren't inexplicable after all.

Hastert won't resign, if he does the terrorist win. Plus he would loose out on all that prime rump roast.

Attila the Mom said...

Geez, Chandra Levy----now THAT'S a name we haven't heard for awhile!

OneEar said...

Wow! A lot has happened while I was away playing "Daddy."

This sounds great! Where are we going and when?