Friday, October 27, 2006

FU Reverses Stance on "Science"

In the past, Churck elders have maintained an understandable skepticism about "science" and its accoutrements. However, it appears that science is finally getting somewhere.

As one of the early volunteers to receive a monkey head, I am now seeking FU approval for this procedure. Obviously I don't want to risk my eligibility for heaven, so I need a "heads up" on this before I go through with it.


Meg said...

That's just really weird. Would you be two different people if you had two different halves?

Doc Bok said...

Yeah, what would the monkey do with your big, dumb Wookie body?

OneEar said...

Please, let's not be ridiculous. I'm not going to have my head put on the monkey. Or am I?

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
The article on “Frankenstein fears after head transplant” was exceedingly interesting. I’m now questioning that if the last time I had nitrous oxide while undergoing root canal work, my brain was switched with that of a monkey. I’ve had an insatiable craving for bananas and also found myself swinging from the rafters lately; I wonder who got my brain?

Doc Bok said...

OneEar, as usual, you've got it all backwards.

Doc Bok said...

I guess your position in the Monkey Platoon would be at least substantiated if you did.

OneEar said...

Dr. Lbok - you are an idiot. I mean that in a good way.

Doc Bok said...

I'm an idiot?!? "hello, pot. Kettle here. Yes, just calling to let you know about your blackness, blackiosity. Oh, and I will be on another episode of the Idiot Chef starring OneEar tonight. That's all for now"

Doc Bok said...

Aside from 'prone', what is your position in the Monkey Platoon, now that you brought it up?

Doc Bok said...

Are you afraid that Meg is going to come completely out of that bush she's been standing in, take one look at your ridiculosity, tell a lie, and then run right back into the green cover?

OneEar said...

I've noticed that you ramble after you've been drinking. And before. And during.

OneEar said...

If you'll recall the script from Salmon Boy with the Monkey Platoon, I was General Admission.

You were, of course, Leftenant Sadisto. To round out the cast, Bundes Kraut was Salmon Boy, Coco was Private Parts, and Alceste was, surprisingly, The Grumpy Sargeant (and he also doubled as the doe, Ita).

Meg said...

I shall never leave this bush! Unless, of course, I'm being attacked by a member of the Monkey Platoon...

OneEar said...

Meg, would you ever consider a role as Ita, the doe?

She is loosely based on Clarice, the doe, but she is not quite so demanding. She is very coy, and she represents the unattainable love interest of Private Parts, the main character. Also, she is bare-footed and shitting in one scene.