Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Newly Annointed Bishop Busty Foxxx Opens Sonoma Desert Branch

The First Reconciliation Church of the New Unification of OneEar's Good and Gloriful Holy Occity Disciples has expanded Westward and Downward with the addition of its Sonoma Desert branch founded by newly annointed Bishop Busty Foxxx. See Holy Book of Levitations

Bishop Foxxx will oversee construction, destruction, reconstruction and deconstruction activities for the new facilities. Facilities will include a training ground for cartoonists in preparation for the rapidly escalating Cartoon Crusades. Unfortunately, the project is running over budget, so The Church will need to expand fundraising efforts. Whatever you were giving before, they are asking that you double it.

Church leader Russell Lobuna, speaking through his chief spokesman OneEar, indicates that expansion plans are expanding according to plan. "We expect great things out of Busty, Rusty would like to say," said OneEar (me). "Now, let’s get out there, grow the True Church, save the world, and sell some books."


Anonymous said...

I am humbly thankful for my elevation to Bishop, but there is one fucking problem. My Bishoprick is in the Sonora desert, which encompasses both Arizona and most of Mexico.

The Sonoma desert, I believe, is somewhere to the north and east of San Francisco, which is in California.

OneEar, would you please tell Grand Poobah Lobuna, in a pastorly way of course, to get his geographic shit together.

Anonymous said...

I am delighted to report to the holy clowns at the Viacom that our treasury has ballooned to a total of $1.32. While I was over at St. Mulch-in-the-Fields "borrowing" some hymnals, my hand accidentally fell into the poor box. I believe in my heart that this will become a steady source of income.

To quote Mel Brooks, one of our Jewish brethren, "It's good to be the Bishop."

OneEar said...

Busty, this desert situation is a big jurisdictional nightmare! Until we get this all straightened out, don't save anyone.

Are you opposed to living North and East of San Francisco? If not, you'll be reassigned to Detroit.