Friday, February 10, 2006

Onward Rustian Soldiers

Win, lose, or draw, the old saying goes. My fellow Rustians, draw we shall!

As feared, the Cartoon Crusades are showing no signs of erasure, and those on the front lines are, in fact, lines - lines making up cartoon drawings, that is. How bad has it gotten? Consider that protesters in Tehran, threw firebombs at the French Embassy and shattered all of the windows. "Down! Down with France!" the crowd chanted. They do have a point there.

But other protesters have been much less sensible in their fire-bombings. Today, for example, some infidel flipped me the bird just because I turned left directly in front of him from the far right lane without signalling. Talk about religious insensitivity! The caricatures of Rusty with a bomb-shaped sausage being sodomized by a bomb-shaped pickle are also offensive. Not only that, they violate our trademarks and licensing agreements which clearly state, "No image shall be constructed wherein the registered deity is sodomized by any bomb-shaped object." We're working on obtaining an injunction.

In the meanwhile, our cartoon counter-offensive has shown tremendous success. We are attempting to depict Rusty as the vibrant, loveable, eternal, omnipotent, cool sheep that he is. Our strategy is to appeal to the youth - youth are the future. We have developed "HolySheep!" baby rattles and spit-up rags to add to our "Baaaa if you love Rusty" line of products. See Rusty bib and Rusty thong at ORDER your Rusty merchandise HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the church thong, but they don't offer my size. Any suggestions?