Maybe it is simply the case that white is better than black. While researching this hypothesis, I ran across a very informative website called As you can see for yourself, this outfit provides an essential public service by exposing such Satanists as Hindus, Muslims, Mormons, and people who play Pokemon.
The first thing I noticed about the Exposing Satan site was the small crawling message across the top which slowly advised me "The Antichrist will be revealed soon!!!!" Now they had my attention. One of my favorite timeframes is "soon!!!" "Are you ready?" The crawl inquired of me.
"Yes, yes I am," I shouted at my computer. The crawl wasn't listening. It rambled on about how the "Satanic trash will unite."
"Well, that doesn't sound good." I thought. "We certainly wouldn't want united Satanic trash."
Digging deeper into the meaning of this reference to "Satanic trash," I encountered the following in reference to the "Jewish cabal" (my thoughts are in parentheses)
I want to state for the public record right now, No, I am not a Jew Hater (What would give anyone that silly idea?) ....
So with the above being said, we must look expose these snakes that are bringing this world into the the new age of the anti-christ. (Perhaps the author is a Snake Hater). There are many from all beliefs and races possessed by demon spirits driven by greed and power. The Jews are not exemptfrom the demon possession. Calling a pig a pig is not being anti-pig, it is merely a statement of fact. (Apparently a Pig Hater, too). There are Jews who are using the "Gods chosen people" as a way to cover what they are doing. (What are they doing again?) They are working with other satanic groups such as the Masons, Jesuits, The Vatican, and yes these so called Christian leaders to advance a global agenda. (Oh, they are working with other satanic groups. That sounds like a satanic conspiracy. I hope someone exposes it). It's time to drop all this anti-Jew crap (I think he really means to stop calling him a Jew Hater) and expose the hidden trash that will give rise to the son or perdition. (I'm lost, are the Jews the trash or not? What about the snakes and the pigs? Further, isn't the whole point of the author's "religion" to give rise to the son? He should be encouraging the Jew-snake-pig conspiracy.)
For our next lesson, we will delve into how the Muslims, Taoists, and musicians find themselves included in the "Satanic trash" smorgasbord. Following that, we will create an exhaustive list of all of the non-begotten sons.