Saturday, April 01, 2006

Da Do Run Ron

We met him on a Monday down in Tex -ass
Da do run Ron run, Da do run Ron.
We learned he was an autopederast
Da do run Ron run, Da do run Ron.

Yah, he was from Tex-ass
Yah, an auto-pederast
And auto-fellatio
Da do run Ron run, Da do run Ron.

A man could cast his/her/transgender's vote
Da do run Ron run, Da do run Ron.
For the black guy, the woman, or the another goat
Da do run Ron run, Da do run Ron.

Yah, he's the best in town
Yah, at coming around
The ultimate act of narcissism
Da do run Ron run, Da do run Ron.


Doc Bok said...

Isn't there supposed to be a "his name was Jill" in there somewhere? By the BTW, why do you hate Ron Paul so much? I fully agree that he seems like a complete tool, but hardly worthy of such attention, no? Did he tap your shoe in the mens' room and then publicly deny it?

Doc Bok said...

Where is the Magical Spice Island of Zanzibar?

OneEar said...

B Doc - What makes you suppose that I hate Ron Paul? Granted, he was not reared in the whorehouse of Chicago politics, the unorganized crime of NYC, or the flat-out corruption of Massachusetts, but at least he is not from Arkansas. I'm seriously considering voting for him. Either him or Frank Zappa, God rest his soul.