Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Youth Demographic

Neh, Neh, Neh
Neh, Neh, Neh, Neh Owh
Eh,Eh,Eh,Eh Owh
Neh, Neh, Neh, Neh Owh

Heh, Heh, Heh
Heh, Heh, Heh, Heh, Owh
Eh,Eh,Eh,Eh Owh
Neh, Neh, Neh, Neh Owh

Neh, Neh, Neh
Neh, Neh, Neh, Neh Owh
Eh,Eh,Eh,Eh Owh
Neh, Neh, Neh, Neh Owh


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Say what?

OneEar said...

I see you haven't been keeping up on your OOprah.

When we record this, I'm also going to include a tone that can only be heard by cockroaches. Once they inherit the earth, I will be filthy rich.

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Thanks for the link to; it was most interesting. When I first looked at your post, I thought you’d invented a new language for the Churck.

Once cockroaches inherit the earth, you’ll be filthy; the rich part is questionable. Are cooties any relation to cockroaches?

OneEar said...

RE: Are cooties any relation to cockroaches?

Yes, all things are related, just not closely.

Cooties are a type of body lice
The cockroach is a type of carp.

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Thank you. I’ve been told before that Cooties are a type of body lice. I’d prefer to consider them harmless little buggers. It appears that whoever said cockroaches are a type of carp was a bit confused.