Friday, January 05, 2007

The Foggiest Notion


Doc Bok said...

Perhaps this man is a veternarian. This may have been the photo for the textbook chapter on equine medicine.

OneEar said...

Thanks for alerting me to the medical practice whereby the doctor triumphantly sits atop his dead patient. I always suspected that something like that would go on.

cocoa_no_gogo said...

Maybe he is waiting for the renderer. You may recall that I had a similar experience once. There really is nothing to do with a dead horse but sit around and wait for the renderer.

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
This is an old photograph; do you know when and where it was taken? Perhaps the gentleman is bemoaning the loss of his horse and is in a state of shock. Were horses rendered to the glue factory back whenever this was taken? Or consider eating horse meat?

“My kingdom for a horse”.

Doc Bok said...

This photo was on CNN this morning. Go figure. Apparently, the town had a regulation that if a horse died, it needed to be roped off, and as Cocoa has suggested, the owner needed to wait personally for the renderer to arrive. I hope that answers all questions.

Litzi said...

Hi Loud But Off Key,
Yes, you answered all my questions; thank you very much. This is a strange photo for CNN, considering all the relevant news worthy events they’re usually concerned with. It looks like a rather deserted town; I wonder how long the owner was expected to wait for a renderer to arrive? Were they worried that someone would try to steal it? Different times….