Friday, November 30, 2007

Brett Favre Is a Big Baby

Can you believe this guy? Brett Favre is such a hypochondriac. Those of you who watched the hated Dallas Cowpokes defeat the noble Green Bay Packers last night watched the all-too-familiar sight of Brett Favre leaving the game because of a boo-boo. It seems like every 5 or 10 years, this guy has some excuse or another to ride the pines. What a cry-baby.

Also, the officials from that game are now going to hell, and the Bears still suck. Other than that how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

Incidentally, I watched the first half of the game in a bar at a location where I was nominally attending a meeting. A woman there told me, despite the fact that I hadn't asked and didn't really care, that she had recently had a nose-job. Of course, I'm able to relate because I've had hand-jobs and blow-jobs, and I found them enjoyable. I don't think I would like a nose-job, but, then again, I'm not a woman. I don't like shopping either, but, if your thing is buying stuff or having a nose in your stuff, good for you. Apparently, this kind of discussion is inappropriate for a meeting.


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Rhinoplasty may be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposed to correct birth defects or breathing problems. I seriously doubt anyone who has the surgery deems it “enjoyable”. Shopping for groceries or other necessities is tedious, but the exploration for “stuff” can be as gratifying for some people as watching football is to others. Maybe it’s a hormonal thing.

Crashtest Comic said...

a nose job is when you lay on your back and someone (a woman preferably) sits on your nose.

Also known as the Mississippi Mud.

Doc Bok said...
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Doc Bok said...

It's like that old saying I've always said: Brett Favre is Almost as Old as OneEar, and He is a Baby. And He is Too Sensitive to BooBoo's.

By the by, what led you to the conclusion that nose-jobs, boob-jobs, hand-jobs (we're starting a hand-transplantation program here at work) and blow-jobs were topics inappropriate for a "meeting" in a "bar"?

Doc Bok said...

Incidentally, I highly recommend John Irving's "The Fourth Hand"

Anonymous said...

Doc--Can I get third hand with the following characteristics:

a) numb

b) placed on backwards

c) red fingernails

Doc Bok said...


Are you Australian, by any chance?