If you are able to follow this flowchart from beginning to end, then you will note that there is a high likelihood that the Republican Party nominee will get the FU nod and wink. If the internets are any reflection of reality, this should mean Ron Paul will win the FU vote. As it was written.
UPDATE: Consider that Hillary as president would reflect 28 consecutive years with either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. We can only hope that Jeb or Neil gets his shit together in time to carry the lineage to Roger or Chelsea.
Bwahaha. I love it. It's almost exactly what I plan to do.
Just as interesting is the fact that this will be the first time since 1976 that a Bush or Dole is not on the Republican ticket. However, since the RNC is in St. Paul this year I suppose I could crash the convention and try to make a case for Jenna as Veep. Just to keep the streak alive ya' know.
I've been thinking a lot about a match-up between Chelsea and Jenna. An awful lot.
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