Friday, February 02, 2007

Common Denominator

I just heard another news report lamenting the demise of the daily newspaper. Oh really? What's next, loss of the sacred gramophone? Why on Earth would anyone need to rely upon a stack of chopped up wood pulp delivered by a guy driving a 1982 Polluter in order to get the news?
Why not just have Ugh chisel the news out on a stone tablet for you? I'm not sure why everyone's bloomers are in a bunch about the loss of this outdated technology. I, for one, am glad to trade all of the glossy paper insert mess for the internet's banner ads. And with the internet, if you are interested in a news story and want further details, other opinions, fact checking, oh, who am I kidding?

Regardless, I would think that we could all agree that the internet provides a superior delivery mechanism for daily news. Which brings me to one of the points raised during this story about the tragic demise of the paper. According to Ugh, people tend to only view websites which reinforce their beliefs and positions. Ugh posits that this trend explains increasing polarization in our populace. With newspapers, readers were bound to run into controversial and opposing opinions and might even read them. But with the internet, people only seek out information with which they already agree.

This got me to thinking about the Official Site of the First Unichurck and its loyal followers, or lack thereof. You may have noticed that there have been many visitors who visit 1 to 5 times, never to be heard from again. Using the Ugh Theory of Media, I wonder whether the Churck fails to provide enough affirmation for what people already believe.

I'm not sure what there is to disagree with here. Is it the zombies? Is it the discussions about race, gender, music, homosexuality, bestiality, and the end of the world? I wouldn't think those would be controversial subjects. Granted, I've taken a relatively strong stance against the war on fear. After our experience with the war on poverty and the war on drugs, who would have expected a war on fear to fail. (Does anyone remember what the term "war" means?)

But we're turning away parishioners by the ones and twos. So, I have resolved to discuss only topics with which there can be no disagreement.

1) The tax code sucks. Honestly, I've spent about half of my life in school, and I can't figure out most of the forms derived from the tax code, let alone the code itself. The system which describes how we pay dues takes up an entire shelf of books (without even mentioning the shelves upon shelves of books dedicated to interpreting the dues rules). Can't we all agree that this is silly.
2) We don't need any more investigative inquiries into murders. The husband did it.
3) A sponge guy should not wear square pants.
4) Celebrities are just not that informative. Maybe we really care about whether Britnay wears drawers, but do we care about Susan Sarandon's opinion about whatever? (Does she wear drawers?)
5) It is really funny when a grown man shits himself and his hotel room but not so funny if you happen to be the one to step in it.
6) Pluto never deserved to be a planet in the first place.
7) Jockomo feena nay

You, the reader, are wonderful, and you are right about everything.


cocoa_no_gogo said...


I know I am off topic, but I have been thinking long and hard about your problem with carrying a bag/box of wine on to a plane. I believe I have your solution.

Do you own or have access to a colostomy bag? If no, you might check ebay.

Attila the Mom said...

hehehe, I'm totally with you on number 4.

Like I give two shits what Sean Penn or Ben Affleck thinks.

OneEar said...


I'm not all that familiar with colostomies, but I did find a site with a multimedia colostomy tutorial, so I should be all set. Query, how am I going to figure out who will be seated next to me so that I know into whose body I should have my wine bag implanted?

Sven said...


Although I have come to embrace the internet (with one arm, I am a guy afterall) I still harbor a fondness for my daily paper. In fact, I came across this article today and it made me think of you. Perhaps you could forge a partnership finally bringing religion and science together.

Or you might simply enjoy a weekend away, "fishing" in the mountains.

OneEar said...

Sven, I am touched that you would think of me while you were pondering gay sheep.

As far as homosexuals being naturally selected to be eaten, I wish I had learned about this BEFORE I swore off of cannibalism. This is my point about "news" papers. They are always late.