Monday, July 16, 2007

Braking News

King of Rock.
A woman in Colorado has had revealed to her a rock enshrined with the image of Elvis Aaron Presley. This is one of the most important findings since the Virgin Mary appeared in a burrito.
Blow Job
A Virginia man who was making home-made fireworks, probably in preparation for Munitions Day, blew up his garage. Please remember: blowing up one's own home is one of the risks associated with making home-made fireworks at home.
Paris and Nicole
Reowned blogger OneEar cannot tell the difference between Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. According to Ear, "They may both be Lindsey Lohan.


Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
The case of the man in Virginia who blew up his own garage is not unique, unfortunately. The same thing occurred not too far from my house. A 40-something year old man worked for a major corporation that used explosives in manufacturing ejection seats for rockets, aircraft, cars, etc. He helped himself to the pyrotechnics and began making small bombs and fireworks in his garage. His wife discovered what he was up to and threatened to leave with their 3 small children before he killed them all. One afternoon the garage exploded and he was seriously maimed….thank “Rusty” that his family wasn’t around. He was subsequently fired from his job; is facing criminal prosecution; and his wife immediately filed divorce proceedings.

You’re telling us that Paris, Nicole and Lindsey Lohan aren’t one and the same person? Three sluts for the price of one….

A rock is as good a place as any to be enshrined; it’s certainly safer than a burrito, which will get moldy after a couple of days….

Meg said...

I found a rock that looked like Jay Leno once...

OneEar said...

ML, I am intrigued by your concept of three sluts for the price of one. What is the price?

Meg, nice to hear from you again. I once found a potato that looked just like Mr. Potato-head. However, as it aged, it began to resemble Senator Jesse Helms and then, eventually, Gollum. Unfortunately, it was then eaten by my dog before I could witness the final evolution.

Litzi said...

Hi OneEar,
Okay, let’s be realistic…how about 3 @ $1.00? Does that sound reasonable to you? Rusty only knows what kind of medical conditions might ensue after spending some quality time with these women, so the initial outlay ought to be cheap…like they are.