Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Al Gore's Transvestitism

Has anyone else noticed that this internet is all full of words and images and sounds? Isn't there anything decent on this thing?

Where can you find justice or holiness or a Baco-dog (TM)?

Not on this fucking internet, that is for sure.


Doc Bok said...

Can someone remind me again how, exactly, Al Gore, full-time politician and son-of-a-politician, invented the Internet? Everybody here at UCLA keeps telling me that we were one of the primary nodes in the net, but I don't remember seeing Al Gore's lab anywhere near mine. Do you think he worked out of his garage and gave the plans and technology to UCLA to help us along in our blind, pathetic attempts at advancing knowledge? Thank God guys like him are lying around everywhere to show us all the path to enlightenment...

Litzi said...

Hi Loud But Off Key,
Please don't forget Al Gore is informing anybody who'll listen about "Global Warming". It's amazing that he's such an expert on a multitude of diverse subjects, isn't it?