Thursday, February 02, 2006

Long Live UB313 - Down with Pluto

Pluto is a piece of crap! UB313 (Xena) is 700km larger in diameter, has a moon, and a certain je ne sais que. I say, when you cast your vote at the IAU meeting in August, you cast it for UB 313 as the NINTH planet! Pluto is a poser! I'm not even going to make a Uranus joke, because I am so confident in my position about Xena vis-a vis Pluto.

Tenth planet, my ass! The Bible says that the solar system has 9 planets. I don't know what kind of vood00 crystal worshipping you are wrapped up with, but get over it. Otherwise, have fun in your ten planet fantasy universe, Pluto-lover.


cocoa_no_gogo said...

I have always had a thing for Xena's sidekick Gabrielle.

also Betty from the Archie comics.

Graham Law Office said...

You make a good point.

However, I am afraid that sexual intercourse between a human and a drawing might violate President Bush's latest imperial directive, and I would advise against it.

I think you would be safe with a musk melon.