Thursday, September 06, 2007

#1 Again

Rusty Never Sleeps - the Official Site of the First Unichurck at is now the #1 search result on Google for the query "ron paul autofellatio." Now the herd shall come home to roost. (For some reason, we don't show up for the search "LBok autopederasty").

Once again, the FU is on the bleeding edge of US Presidential politics. Congratulations all the way around. Interestingly, I note that the folks at the site also have drawn the connection between Presidential candidate Ron Paul and the hedgehog. I fear the Canadians are trying to scoop us. Come on real Americans.


Doc Bok said...

It's not just the Canadians; check this out, and pay special attention to the ad banner on the right column.

OneEar said...

Congratulations!!! We now are the #1 site pulled by the query LBok autopederasty