Monday, March 05, 2007

Sneezing the Gospel

According to Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point, social events can and do behave like contagious diseases. The "tipping point" occurs in epidemiology when an illness reaches a critical mass which causes its infection rate to escalate to an epidemic rate. This same course of growth also can occur with social activities.

What we need to do is to spread the FU like an infectious disease. It will be sort of like a holy case of syphilis. Gladwell has set up the step-by-step plan to follow:

1) Mavens incubate the disease and then contact others through "connectors" who have many social contacts in other communities. We may have a problem here. The FU community is relatively self-contained (in-bred, if you will). However, perhaps it would work to rent a "connector" and to connect with her by the hour, in the name of religion.

2) Stickiness. The disease needs to be contagious. I think we have this one covered. The FU is pretty sticky.

3) Context. I have no idea what this means, so I assume that it is not important. Let's just stick with the first two steps.

Now, we need to pick the very best FU post, the stickiest, in order to have the greatest chance of spreading the FU word. Please vote for your all-time favorite post from Rusty Never Sleeps. The winner will be used to infect the world. It seems to be working for American Idle.


Doc Bok said...

OneEar, I notice that you have only one ear in that photo. Was it too much suds?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed "man sitting on dead horse."

Doc Bok said...

Anonymous, you're going to have to give us a little more indication of who you are. Really.

OneEar said...

LBok, I had to skew this photo. In the original, my head is frighteningly large.

Anon, we all enjoy sitting on dead horses. You are missing the point.