Thursday, May 17, 2007

OneEar Seeks Whisky Czar Appointment

I am seeking Senate confirmation of me as Whisky Czar. For those of you not in the know, perhaps a couple of definitions would be helpful.

"Czar"= a supreme autocratic ruler, such as an emperor or king; a male monarch, especially one of the emperors who ruled Russia until the 1917 revolution.

"Whisky" = a liquor distilled from fermented mash of grain (as rye, corn, or barley) used medicinally as a sedative and vasodilator.

I expect my duties as Whisky Czar to include drinking whisky and czar-ing around.


Crashtest Comic said...

Drank a little whiskey last night, as a matter of fact.

Where can I vote for czar?

OneEar said...

Do any czar-ing around?

So far, none of the members of the US Senate has objected to my appointment, so I figure I've got the job. Thanks anyway for your support.